A School Advisory Council is an elected committee made up of parents, staff, administrators, businesses, and community members who work together to help a school improve. By state law, school boards must establish an advisory council for each school.
The role of a School Advisory Council is to assist in the preparation of the annual budget, and in the development and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan. The SAC is the school committee that deals with issues relating to school improvement. The General Appropriations Act provides a portion of funds for use by the SAC that is to be used for implementing the School Improvement Plan.
Become a SAC member! Get involved! Being a School Advisory Council member is a good way to be an important part of your child's education.
The Howard Middle School Advisory Committee operates under a committee structure. Most of the work of the SAC is handled by individual committees and committee reports are presented for information and the approval of the SAC. Below are a list of the standing committees of the SAC.
Nominating - The Nominating Committee is appointed in August to recommend a chair-elect and secretary for the SAC. The committee is composed of at least three members to include one staff member. The committee will present a slate to be voted on at the October meeting.
SAC Guidelines - The SAC Guidelines Committee is appointed in September to review the SAC Guidelines and make recommendations for amendments.
Facilities - The Facilities Committee is composed of SAC members who are interested in the instructional quality of the buildings and grounds at Howard Middle School. The committee meets at the beginning of the year to evaluate the buildings and grounds, document needs for improvement, and produce a plan for improvement. District involvement and funding sources are explored to meet the needs identified.
Technology - The Technology Committee is appointed in September to receive, review, and make recommendations to the school level Technology Committee. The school level Technology Committee is composed of staff whose primary instructional responsibility involves teaching technology and representatives of grade levels and departments. Any member of the SAC Technology Committee is welcome at the school level meetings.
Parent Survey - The Parent Survey Committee is appointed in November. This committee reviews previous Parent Surveys and Parent Surveys from other schools then establishes the Parent Survey that is sent home in January. The committee then compiles and analyzes the results of the survey and presents the results to the SAC in February.
Budget - The Budget Committee is appointed in February. This committee reviews the instructional budget for the next school year and establishes the School Improvement Plan budget to be presented to the SIP committee.
School Improvement Plan - The School Improvement Plan Writing Committee is appointed in March. This committee collects and analyzes data to be used in establishing the School Improvement Plan for the next school year.
Curriculum - The Curriculum Committee is established as needed to review adoption of instructional material presented for district and school adoption.
Other committees will be established by the SAC Chair and principal as needed.
For more information, you may also contact the School Improvement Office at 671-7146 or access the following website -- http://www.florida-family.net/SAC.
To view the by-laws, please click on the following link:
SAC By-Laws
Student potential cannot be achieved without strong community and parent support. Join us in educating our children by participating in the School Advisory Council and our Volunteer programs.
Contacting SAC
Are you looking for an opportunity to be more engaged with your school? Feel free to contact your School Advisory Council (SAC) with any comments, suggestions, or concerns. We value our partnership.
Email the Howard Middle School Advisory Council