Dress Code

Student dress and grooming in the school shall meet standards of decency, modesty and personal hygiene and be conducive to maintenance of a proper educational environment. Shoes must be worn at all times. All clothing must be zipped, buttoned, or snapped as designed. Pants and shorts must be worn at the waist. Styles and fads are forever changing; therefore, the principal or designee shall reserve the right to alter this code at any time throughout the year.

The following items are not permitted:

  • Excessively revealing clothing; halter tops, tank tops; slippers; clothing exposing the midriff; wearing a jacket over an inappropriate top will be considered a violation of the dress code.
  • Pacifiers, candies, straws, and sticks in the mouth.
  • Hats, headgear, hoods, bandannas and sunglasses.
  • Clothing that advertises alcohol, tobacco products or drugs; clothing which has inappropriate pictures, symbols, words or messages; clothing with symbols of occult, satanic groups, gangs.
  • Undergarments must be covered at all times, undergarments must not be revealed by “sagging pants”
  • Clothing with rips, tears, holes, mini-skirts and short shorts must be mid-thigh or longer. Leggings may be worn under holes so that skin is not visible.
  • Cell phones should not be on or visible.
  • Bluetooth earbuds and headphones are not compatible with school electronic devices and therefore should not be visible- these items will be confiscated and returned to the parent for pick up in Student Management


Students who do not follow the above code will be subject to disciplinary action. Repeated dress code violations may result in suspension. Please refer to the Code of Student Conduct for additional information.